
Radius: 3397 km (0.5 Rearth)
Mass: 6.4x1023 kg (0.1 Mearth)
Distance from Sun: 1.54 AU (but e=0.09)

Observation #1: Mars looks red. (Why? Iron oxide - FeO.)
Observation #2: You can see stuff.

Rotating Mars animation courtesy STScI

Rotation Period: 24h, 37m
Orbital Period: 687 Edays

At its distance from the Sun, Mars has an equilibrium temperature which is ~ 210K - 240K. This is below the freezing point of water (273K). But there are seasonal variations which bring regions of Mars close to the freeze/thaw point...

The martian surface is very uneven. A topographical map from the Mars Orbiting Laser Altimeter (MOLA):

(blue is low, red is high; click image for hires maps )

We see

What are these things telling us about Mars?

Mars has an atmosphere. Mostly CO2, with only a trace amount of H20. Surface pressure is ~ 5 millibars (0.5% that of the Earth).

The atmosphere shows daily and seasonal variations: dust storms and clouds.

Dust Storm

What causes these variations?

Moons: two little ones

Phobos ("Fear")
Deimos ("Panic")
27x20 km
15x12 km