In this project, we will take raw(ish) data from the Burrell Schmidt
telescope, reduce it, and then analyse it to build a surface
brightness profile and color map of the nearby spiral galaxy M101.
After the data reduction and analysis is complete, you will write an
ApJ-style paper writing up not just the analysis, but giving the
scientific context and interpreting your results in light of other
studies of M101 and of galaxies in general. Here
are the details of the writeup assignment.
Things you type in a terminal window are written in bold font.
Menu options in ds9 are written in italic font.
When you get to a HOLD, stop
and wait for class discussion.
Step 0: Setting up
Open up a terminal window, by clicking "Applications" in the
upper left corner of the system toolbar at the top of the
screen, then clicking "Terminal".
In that window, move to the M101 directory: cd
Then start a jupyter notebook session: jupyter notebook
Open another terminal window.
Step 1: Zero/Bias subtraction and Flat Fielding
In your second terminal window, move into the B2009 directory
(cd ~/Desktop/M101/Bdata) and do a file listing to see
what's there: ls
Start ds9 and load all the raw images: ds9 pobj*.fits
Set ds9 to show only one frame at a time: Frame -->
Single Frame
Lock all the frames to the same X,Y image coordinate system: Frame
--> Lock --> Frame --> Image
Close ds9 (Click the red X in the upper left corner of the
Restart ds9 to open the individual zeros (ds9 pzero*.fits)
and again set ds9 to show on frame at a time (Frame -->
Single Frame)
Work out the read noise (in ADU) by doing statistics in a
region. Move the region around to check for consistency. Then do
this for a few other images to check for consistency.
Close ds9, then restart it and open the flat field image (ds9
SkyFlat2009B.fits). Inspect the image.
In your jupyter notebook browser, open the notebook ReduceImages.ipynb. Make sure
the directory (first line of block 3) is set to point to your
Bdata directory, then run the notebook.
Open the master zero (ds9 Zero.fits) and inspect it.
Work out the read noise. Did it scale down properly?
Quit ds9, then restart it and load all the reduced images: (ds9
Do they all look good?
Now edit the directory in the notebook to point to your Vdata
directory, and rerun the notebook to reduce the V band data.
Move to your Vdata directory (cd ~/Desktop/M101/Vdata),
open the reduced V images (ds9 rpobj*.fits) and make sure
they look right.
Step 2: Sky Subtraction and Photometric Calibration
Go into your V band data directory (cd ~/Desktop/M101/Vdata)
and open all the reduced V band images (ds9 rpobj*.fits).
Set ds9 to show only one frame at a time: Frame -->
Single Frame
Lock all the frames to the same RA, dec coordinate system: Frame
--> Lock --> Frame --> WCS
Close ds9, move to your B band data directory (cd
Use ds9 to open the reduced image rpobj0419029 (ds9
Estimate the sky level in ADU
Now "block average" the image in blocks of 4x4 pixels (Analysis
--> Block --> Block 4). Can you see the gradient in
the sky intensity level?
In your jupyter notebook browser, open the notebook CalibrateOne.ipynb. Make sure
the directory (in block 2) points to your Bdata directory, and
that calband is set to 'B'
Run the notebook.
Open ds9 and load the sky subtracted versions of the image it
made: (ds9 crpobj0419029.fits)
Make sure block averaging is shut off (Analysis -->
Block --> Block 1) and estimate the sky level in ADU.
Block the image 4x4 and see if the gradient is still there.
Open the image header and see what information is there: File
--> Display Header
In your jupyter notebook browser, open the notebook CalibrateImages.ipynb. In block
3, make sure that calband is set to 'B'. Then run it to work on
the B dataset.
Change calband to be 'V', and re-run the notebook to work on
the V dataset.
Step 3: Image Registration, Photometric Scaling, and
Step 6: Do ds9 region photometry and the Photometry.ipynb
notebook to check the data and calibration:
There is a star at a (RA, Dec) coordinate of (14:04:02.8,
+54:10:09). It has an apparent magnitude V=15.51 and B−V color =
0.65. In each of the B and V images, put a circular region
around that star, find the sum of the counts (using the region
statistics function), and then put those into the Photometry
jupyter notebook to get out magnitudes. What values do you get?
Work out an estimate for the total V magnitude and B-V color of
the galaxy NGC 5477. Compare your values to those reported for
the galaxy on NED. Think about the major sources of uncertainty
your estimate, and how you might refine your estimate.
How far from the center of M101 (in arcmin and in kiloparsecs)
is NGC 5477? Try using a ds9 Ruler region (Region -->
Shape --> Ruler) to measure this.
What is the average B surface brightness and B-V color of the
inner kpc of M101? Compare your numbers to those shown in the
plot by Mihos et al 2013.