The Dynamical Evolution of Galaxy Mergers

Physics involved: 
  • Gravity:N-body treecodes
  • Gas dynamics: Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics
  • Star formation: density/temperature dependent Schmidt law or Jeans criterion
  • Feedback: thermal/kinetic effects on gas
Dynamical Phases:
  • Collisional perturbation
  • Self gravitating response
  • Gas inflow + activity
  • Merger and violent relaxation
  • Settling down

The total timescale for merging depends on the properties of the interaction (the mass ratio and orbital energy), and on the distribution of dark matter in the system on large scales 


The self-gravitating response is highly dependent on the structural details of the interacting disks on smaller scales, and in particular the resiliency of the disk against growing bar modes:


B:D = 0


B:D = 1/3


This has important ramifications for: