NFW Halo Models

The models for NGC 7252 were built with a truncated isothermal dark matter halo. Isothermal halos are motivated by thermodynamic arguments, but are used primarily for empirical reasons.

We would like to see if our truncation radii constraints hold if we replace the isothermal halos with cosmologically motivated Navarro, Frenk and White halo models.

nfw movie However, due to the loose, extended structure of NFW halos, we were unable to create tidal tails that continued to exist after the merger remnant had relaxed. Since NGC 7252 is a relaxed merger remnant, this is troubling.
(simulations by Mihos and Bush)
nfw movie

We analyzed the tidal tails immediately after the merger and compared these distributions to the light distributions in NGC 7252.
NFW analysis

The issue of scale length